?The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.? ~ St. Augustine
?I am ready for a little traveling. Where am I headed? To Between the Covers Bookstore. http://bit.ly/NaKzRg. Where is that? In a ?box canyon? in a place called Telluride, Colorado; where the mountains soar to altitudes of almost 13,000. According to Wikipedia, ?a box canyon is a small ravine or canyon with steep walls on three sides, allowing access and egress only through the mouth of the canyon.? The bookstore co-owner is like me, a Baltimore transplant, who has ended up in the West.?
I suspect at certain times of the year, when large shipments of publications are delivered, Between the Covers Bookstore, feels as if it is a box canyon, until all the books are shelved. There is a certain book that I will be searching for at this bookstore that would come in handy on days when I struggle to put down my?digital devices?and stop working. This two minute video, shot last February, gives a quick glimpse into?the book I am looking for. ?http://vimeo.com/37703165.??
The video is courtesy of film editor, visual effects artist, independent filmmaker Marc R. Leonard. http://marcrleonard.com/editing. ?Thank you, Marc, for a little insight into Telluride in the other season, winter.
Telluride is, from what I understand, a neat little ?artistic town? and very scenic! It is home of the Telluride Film Festival.? http://www.telluridefilmfestival.org/.?
Our trip to Telluride?will be?timely. My husband and I?will watch our son run in his first half-marathon, which goes over Imogene Pass ? seventeen miles of climbing and running, traveling from 8,000 ft in altitude to 13,000. The boy has energy, I tell you! It?s time to play catch up and see what else he has been doing.
Come on back next week. On Film Friday, we will be featuring a new Disney movie that both adults and children, who enjoy Celtic legend, may enjoy seeing.?Have a good weekend, everybody.
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