Sunday, September 9, 2012

Voices Against Brain Cancer (VABC) Comments on 8 Month Old's ...

Bohemia, NY (PRWEB) September 07, 2012

On September 7, 2012, nonprofit organization, Voices Against Brain Cancer, released a statement in response to 8-month-old Matthew Erickson?s exceptional battle against brain cancer: an optimistic and touching story for those affected by the devastating disease.

According to Lisa Black of the Chicago Tribune, Matthew Erickson was ?born December 11 with an especially aggressive form of brain cancer, a high-grade glioma that developed while he was still in his mother?s womb, even though it?s most often diagnosed in adults.? Black stated that, ?At the time, doctors gave [Matthew?s parents] a difficult choice: bring Matthew home with a hospice team, love him and keep him comfortable until the inevitable. Or they could treat the cancer aggressively with chemotherapy, a toxic cocktail with no certain outcome.?

The article states, ?Matthew seemed determined to make the decision for the couple. He was a born fighter, his parents said, and he rarely cried, making the treacherous journey a bit less emotionally taxing on his parents.? After undergoing several rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, ?The cancer still lurked, though it had shrunk significantly after five rounds of chemotherapy. The news was as good as they could expect, realistically, and the doctor was upbeat.?

Clay Darrohn, representative for Voices Against Brain Cancer, stated ?The Erickson family?s story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. We believe that the strength exemplified by this child and his family in the face of this devastating disease is remarkable and awe-inspiring. We hope that anyone affected by brain cancer looks to families like the Erickson?s and finds strength and support when they need it the most.?

Matthew?s condition continues to be monitored and cared for with optimistic outlook.

Voices Against Brain Cancer has a large variety of initiatives in place for brain cancer research, awareness and support. Our research grants fund cutting-edge research programs that will have a monumental impact on the diagnosis and treatment of brain cancer. VABC is currently funding research at numerous esteemed institutions such as the Brookhaven Research Laboratory, Cleveland Clinic, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, John Hopkins, Memorial Sloan-Kettering and Yale, to name a few.

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