OK, you've made your mind up and you want your ex boyfriend back. The only problem is that you have to find ways to make him want you back too. The first thing that you must realise is that the male brain is very different from the female brain and in order to get him back you need to figure out what he thinks about you after you split. I'm not suggesting that you become an amateur psychologist but a little understanding of this will help. Try sounding out some of your male friends or your brother if you have one.
Trying to get an ex boyfriend back is not always simple, if you get it wrong the result can be that you will drive him further away from you. The natural reaction is to blame yourself, but hold on a minute ?we are not born knowing the way to attract men or how to keep them interested, there are no classes you take that teaches you these skills. We all make mistakes and learn how to be skilled at this through practice and experience. So don't beat yourself up about the mistakes you have made in the past, now is the time to change things.
Alright, there are women who seem to instinctively know what men want and find it easy to maintain long-term relationships with them. These are women who understand how men think and this success with men can be yours also. If your goal is to make your ex boyfriend want you back some work is required and this article will teach you what you need to do.
Absence makes the heart Grow Fonder
This old saying is true! That?s not to say that you have to disappear off the face of the planet, but a great way to make a man want you is to be unavailable to him . It may be difficult if you have the same friends or work or take classes together, this is when you will have to be a little more subtle. This means you should not speak to him unless he speaks to you and avoid looking at him. The male ego means that he will not be able to cope with this lack of interest on your part and tart to take steps in your direction again to get some attention. You must appear to be over him as his male ego will be looking for any tell-tale signs that you are still interested.
Your lack of interest will be surprising and totally unexpected; he will not be able to figure out why you don?t still want him. Herein lies one of the secrets ? men love the chase. He will want you, at the very least, to want his attention and when you appear not to care he will wonder if you ever really liked him. This is probably the complete opposite of what you want to do but your lack of interest in him will reignite his interest in you. This may seem devious but it will get results. This will not only make your ex boyfriend want you back, it will render him dumbstruck and completely turn the tables around.
Please remember you should not on any account be rude to him if he talks to you, smile, be polite and engage in conversation but resist the urge to ask questions and keep the conversation as brief as possible. End the conversation by saying that you're late or busy but it's been nice chatting. If you are rude he may feel unable to approach you again, so play it cool.
Be A Mistress of Mystery
Remember the girl you were when you met him? That was the girl he fell for, the special unique you. That girl is still in there somewhere ?go back to your old hobbies; take up some new ones you?ve always wanted to try. Doing this will give you a glow and also give you something to occupy your time instead of thinking about him. It will also give you back your energy and enthusiasm for life. He will notice the change in you and be intrigued. This will also mean that you do not spend your time thinking about him and will reduce the chance that you will make contact with him, which will only result in embarrassment and possibly tears.
Mysteriousness doesn't mean that you should be rude! During this stage you must keep yourself occupied with your hobbies and let it be known that you have lots going on at the moment. Maintaining the mystery means that you should avoid social networking sites. So no matter how tempted you are to tweet or update your Facebook timeline ?. don't do it! He will probably be checking your profile so don?t let him know what you are doing by posting it for him to see. If he knows exactly what you are up to there will be no need for him to contact you and find out for himself now, will there?
Denying him information about what you are doing will make him want to know what you are doing, give him a chance to miss you and make him desire you again.
What Is Next?
The above tips will increase the likelihood of you getting your man back and there are many other techniques that could be used to make ex boyfriend desire you. It is also important that you establish that he still likes you after the break up by looking for clues for this in his behaviour. This should be done before you do anything else. If he does show signs he still likes you and you really do want him back, with a little perseverance you will get the response you want by using the tips I have shown you.
After that you can start using Facebook to your advantage. Learn all of the things that you should be doing to increase his interest in you and make him chase after you. Lots of women are now using these successful Facebook techniques and seeing brilliant results.
Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/reconnecting/ways-to-make-your-ex-boyfriend-want-you-back
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