Saturday, August 4, 2012

Julius Lige/ Class 7: Relationship Training @ Straight-A-Guide

by Julius Lige

174. In what ways do you perceive relationships with people you knew prior to confinement to evolve over the course of your imprisonment?

It?s a struggle to maintain relationships with people you know prior to confinement. As I move towards my sixth year in prison, many relationships I once considered to be strong have slowly faded away. My relationship with my immediate family remain strong, but has evolved into a more distance relationship which makes it vulnerable.

175. In what ways have you nurtured support networks during the time you?ve served thus far?

I nurtured support networks during this time I served by sharing visions an aspirations. Through my actions I?m showing my support network changes I have made as a person and the necessary steps I have taken to create opportunity. My support network followed me as I accomplished the goals I set, I?ve reassured them that I?m determined to succeed upon release.

176. In what ways will the support network you have in place now contribute to your success upon release?

With a strong support network in place, financial, leadership and spiritual contributions, along with dedication of peoples? time, will play a key role in my success upon release. Good relationships are important for an individual that is being released from prison. Many doors will open which enhance my chances for a successful career.

177. In what ways would you build a strong support network while you climbed through years of imprisonment?.

In order to build a strong support network, an individual must reach beyond the boundaries of prison, and build relationship with people who are in position to help them. My support network of professional people can mentor me, give me advice, and help guide me in the right direction. Through self-improvement and positive changes, an individual?s actions will prove to their support network that they are worthy of their contributions.

178. In what ways do support networks or the lack of support networks influence prison adjustments?

Prisoners use support networks as motivation, therefore the impact it has on an individual?s adjustment is monumental. Prisoners rely on their support network to keep them knowledgeable about what?s going on in society. Also, because of a prisoner values hs relationship with his support network, he?s influenced to work hard to improve his skill set and also avoid any disciplinary issues with the prison.

179. To what extent are the values that those in your support network embrace harmonious with the values you profess to embrace?

My support network embraces the values of hard work and discipline, never looking to take short cuts. They?re law abiding citizens who place a high value on leadership, faith and family. My goal is to evaluate their values in learn to incorporate those values into every aspect of my life.

180. What steps are you taking now to build or nurture your support network?

My body of work continues to speak volumes for me. Through my participation in programs such as the SAG program and TOAD (those outspoken against drugs) program, my support network is able to follow my progress which reassures them that I am taking necessary steps towards improving my life.

181. In what ways can those in your support network facilitate your aspirations?

With aspirations of becoming a successful businessman, I expect the professional people in my support network to help guide me towards achieving that goal. Through mentorship and leadership, I can rely on my support network to facilitate and create opportunities.

182. In what ways is your support network helping you now?

183. What level of allegiance do you pledge to your support network?

184. What incremental action steps can you to take to bring people you do not currently know into your life?

185. What thoughts do you have about people who would be most influential to your possibilities for success upon release?

186. Who are they?

187. What interests do they have?

188. How can you make them aware of your aspirations?

189. What impression would your adjustment through prison thus far make upon them?

190. In what ways are you working to cultivate mentors?

191. In what ways does your behavior or activities within prison boundaries influence your relationships?

192. How would you assess the preparations and commitment your closest acquaintances make to a law-abiding, successful life upon release?

193. If you were to receive a disciplinary infraction, in what way would that influence the support network you?re striving to cultivate?

194. What relevance does the phrase ?It?s not what you know but who you know? have to you?

195. To what extent would your actions show that you?re conscious of the influence others have on your prospects for success upon release?

196. How can a prisoner open more opportunities to broaden his network of support?

197. How would your transition to society change if you had a job offer in place before your release?

198. What steps will you begin taking now to broaden, nurture, and protect your support network each week that you remain in prison?

199. How will you hold yourself accountable?


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