Thursday, August 16, 2012

Twenty Lessons for Us to Learn Together - Motherhood is Beautiful

This whole parenting thing is trial and error. A wing and a prayer. Reading all of the books, by all of the experts in the world can?t fully prepare anyone for the awesome responsibility of parenting (I wish someone had told me that when I was a know-it-all pregnant for the first time mommy?.oh wait. My mom did, I didn?t listen. My bad. Sorry mom).

Over the last four years, more than anything else, I discovered that I have a lot to learn. A hell of a lot. Occasionally I still wake up and think, ?I have a son! And a daughter! Who authorized THAT??

Here are twenty life lessons that I hope I can learn along with my monkeys. Feel free to add to the list!

1.) To try and do the absolute best you can every single day. This may be harder on some days than on others.

2.) To laugh, especially at yourself. But you also need to know when it is time to reel in the jokes and be serious.

3.) To teach you how to deal with heartbreak gracefully. Whether it be a relationship, not getting into the college of your choice, or putting your heart and soul into something, only to fail anyway.

It's tough. Lean on those you love to help you through whatever it is.

4.) To know it is worthy to fail, but only if you learn from it.

5.) To teach you to love freely, but choose cautiously.

6.) To keep you safe, and to teach you how to make good decisions so you can keep yourself safe when I am not around to hold your hand.

7.) To teach you respect. Not only for others but for yourself.

8.) To appreciate your dreams even if I don?t agree with them (Tilly, I hope you have higher aspirations in your future than to be a flower. And Charlie, a shoe?really?).

9.) To teach you that an option B is always a good idea.

10.) To teach you independence, but also help you feel secure about where your home is.

11.) To help you understand and appreciate that all families look different. Just being related is not enough to make people family. Family can be friends, neighbors and anyone else you feel a connection with.

12.) To never relive my childhood dreams through you (hello, toddlers in tiaras!), I want you to make your own choices about your hobbies and activities.

13.) To always reinforce the importance of a good education.

14.) To read to you every day, until you are old enough to read to me. At that time, I promise I?ll never be too busy to listen.

15.) To cherish every single second I get to spend with you. Even when all I want you to do is go to sleep/stop crying/stop hanging on my leg. As annoying as these things are, I know that these moments are fleeting. I will miss them when they are gone. I hope this will in turn help you to cherish all the moments you have with your children.

16.) To teach you to enjoy life, even the hard parts. The hard parts help you recognize and appreciate the good times.

17.) Be honest. Not only with yourself, but with others. The truth does hurt sometimes, but no one has ever said they appreciated being lied to.

18.) To help you understand how special you are to us, but know you are not entitled or special in the world outside of your home.

19.) To teach you that you are powerful.

20.) To love you with every part of my heart, even if I don?t always love the choices you make.

Love, Mom

Posted under Big deals by Sandee


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