Thursday, December 6, 2012

How Big Is Your Photo Library?

How Big Is Your Photo Library?If you have a smartphone, taking pictures is so easy that you might end up with a huge photo collection without even knowing it. So, we want to know, how big is your photo library?

In a recent New Yorker article, author Thomas Beller laments that he might be missing a lot of experiences because he's busy taking pictures all the time. It was a conversation with Apple tech support that pointed it out:

While on the phone with Apple tech support recently, I was told, "You are not a normal iPhoto user." "I'm not?" I said. "No, you have many more photographs than the average user."

So, we want to know, how big is your photo library? Has it grown since you've had a smartphone?

Saying Goodbye to Now | The New Yorker

Photo by Olaf Gradin.


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