Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Top 9 Social Networks For Business |

You have a business. Whether that be a brick and mortar local business or an online business, you recognize the importance of being involved with social media. With an overabundance of information on the web covering social media, many business owners can run in circles following the shiny objects of social media.

Ultimately, this leads to burn out, a messed up social profile, segmented messaging ? translation a big steamy pile of social media ambition. To clarify the world of social media, we have located an infographic that does an amazing summary of which social platforms you should use and exactly how you should use them! While you won?t find any surprises in the list with regards to names you have heard of, what you may be interested to read is how to use them!


This is the conversation platform. Make sure that you are employing tools to scan the Twitterverse for conversations that include your business or your niche. This will enable you to enter the conversation and be present.


Almost everyone has a Facebook account. Make sure that your business has a representative Facebook page and use this powerful platform to build an audience that is tuned into your postings and the items that you share. You WANT to be present on their timeline and you can do this by building your fanbase.


The grand daddy of business networking. This heavy b2b network allows businesses to network with other businesses, colleagues, suppliers, etc. Use this badboy to build business relationships and find customers.


Got a camera? Start taking images of your products and customers to drive traffic to your website. Pinterest has revolutionized traffic driving.


Inform your audience about your business. Utilize the 2nd search engine in the world to increase your brand awareness and drive traffic to your main website!


While first deemed the red headed step child of social media, the Google+ platform is quickly becoming a foundation on which businesses can build an anchor point related to their main website and local listing (if local business).


Use Instagram as the icing on your social media cake. Create captivating images using the associated filters and post them on your social channels (Facebook, Google Plus, etc.) Photos are ULTRA important in today?s social space. They can tell a story, make someone laugh, and even inspire. All in all, photos evoke emotion. Figure out a creative way that you can do this and you will win!


Tumblr has a massive audience of content creators and sharer?s (is that even a word?) ? Essentially, you want to use Tumblr as a supplement to your main website. Here you can post your photos and videos as a stand alone platform to engage with your audience and tell your story.


If you have a local store/business, utilize foursquare to reward your customers for checking-in (raising a signal that is shared across social media). Foursquare is quickly becoming the platform to use for local businesses with respect to live interaction with the consumers.

Check out the infographic below from SDLSM2 that gives even more pro tips about social media platforms and how to use them in your business!

Social Media Cheat Sheet


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