Friday, October 12, 2012

Are teens ditching Facebook for Twitter? [infographic]

Tween Cell Phone Texting

Who is the ?Prom King? when it comes to Social Media? for teens? Twitter or Facebook? One of MethodShop?s readers named Michael Johnson sent us this note:

?I thought MethodShop might find this interesting. I was talking to my 16-year-old last night and she said her high school friends are abandoning Facebook and moving to Twitter. This is surprising because last year Twitter was considered ?lame? by her friends but now it?s the cool way to communicate. Is this a trend or just a random occurrence at one high school??

Excellent question. Is increased Twitter use a growing trend with teens? Mobile has been a major driver for Twitter, and who is on their phone more than a teenager? Obviously Facebook is available on mobile too, but the simple text/IM style of Twitter is probably appealing to teens. Justin Bieber?s popularity of Twitter is also another indicator of teen adoption of Twitter. He currently has 28M+ fans.

And there?s no denying that teens love to text message. A recent infographic by, claims that the average teens sends an?astonishing?3,417 text message every month. In case you?re wondering, that breaks down to 7 text messages per waking hour.

Teenagers and cell phones

Here?s some more data to think about. According to this Pew Research Center study released back in 2009, teenagers are the second biggest age group using Social Media and half of all Twitter users access the service using a cell phone.

Is Twitter benefiting from teen?s love for text messaging and mobile communication? What social network do you think teens prefer: Twitter or Facebook? Leave a comment below.


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